PROJECT: Incident Management System


Incident Management System is a desktop application used by emergency call operators for managing incidents. The user interacts with it via CLI. It is written in Java, has a JavaFX GUI, and has about 10 kLoC.

Summary of contributions

  • Major enhancement: Implemented Incident Filling and Submission

    • What it does: Allows users to identify and subsequently fill and/or submit incident reports in the system.

    • Justification: This enhancement improves the product by (1) fulfilling its most basic function of reporting incidents, (2) categorising incidents into 'drafts' which can be filled before they become 'submitted reports' officially registered in the system, and (3) providing users a convenient way to list incidents ready for filling and submission.

    • Highlights: This enhancement affects existing commands and modifies the Incident model (and hence, UI) behaviour. It is designed so it can be easily extended to accommodate changes to the Incident model. It required an in-depth analysis of design alternatives. The implementation too was challenging as it required brainstorming a seamless way of tracking changes to the status of incidents.

  • Minor enhancement: Implemented Incident and Vehicle GUI layout

    • Summary: allows users to view incident reports and on-duty vehicles side-by-side in a readable format.

    • Highlights: this enhancement required in-depth understanding of the GUI design and JavaFX syntax.

  • Code contributed: [View on RepoSense]

  • Other contributions:

    • Project management: Integrated Travis CI to the team repo

    • Team task: Created initial UI mockup of the product [#16]

Contributions to the User Guide

_Given below is one of the sections I contributed to the User Guide. It showcases my ability to write documentation targeting end-users.

Filling a draft incident report: fill

Fills a draft incident report if relevant parameters are specified, otherwise lists all draft reports ready for filling.

This command works in two modes:

1. No parameter mode
Format: fill
Lists all draft incident reports ready to be filled.

  • This command lists both incomplete and complete drafts.

  • If no drafts exist, a message is displayed and the Incident list remains unchanged.

  • Outcome of fill:


2. Parameter mode
Fills the draft incident report corresponding to the specified index with the phone number of the caller who reported the incident and the description of the incident.

The user can only fill the draft incident reports that have been created by them.
  • Index must be assigned with reference to the currently shown list of incidents on the GUI incident panel.

  • Both incomplete and complete drafts can be filled.

  • Fields of complete drafts will be overwritten.

  • Executing this command changes incident status to 'Complete Draft'.

  • Both CALLER_NUMBER and DESCRIPTION fields must be specified while executing this command.

  • The newly filled draft will now appear at the top of the list of incidents in the GUI incident panel view.

  • Outcome of fill 1 p/90309049 desc/Traffic accident reported at FKU hospital junction:


Using fill in both modes one after the other thus enables convenient listing and filling of target incident reports.

Tracking incident history [coming in v2.0]

Allows user to track any changes made to an incident report throughout its lifecycle in the incident management system.
Format: track [INDEX]
Function: Outputs a list of timestamps and a brief summary of changes made to the specified incident report.

This feature will allow the user to improve accountability in filing incident reports. As the IMS handles incident data which is very sensitive in nature, it will be crucial for users to know when exactly were what changes made to a given incident report.

I also wrote section 3.12 of the User Guide explaining the functioning of the submit command in two modes.

Contributions to the Developer Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the Developer Guide. They showcase my ability to write technical documentation and the technical depth of my contributions to the project.

Incident Filling and Submission feature


The incident filling and submission subroutines are facilitated by the fill and submit commands respectively. In the IMS, each incident can have one of three statuses - INCOMPLETE_DRAFT, COMPLETE_DRAFT, and SUBMITTED REPORT. These three statuses are maintained by an enum in Incident. Executing the fill command changes the status of drafts (complete or incomplete) into COMPLETE_DRAFT while the submit command changes the status of only COMPLETE_DRAFTS to SUBMITTED_REPORT. To prevent potential misuse, only the operator who has created the incident report is allowed access to execute the fill and submit commands on that report.

Overview of Fill and Submit commands

Each command works in two modes:

  1. Without parameters: In this mode, the command - fill or submit - lists the incidents that are ready for Filling (i.e. only all complete and incomplete drafts) or Submitting (i.e. only all complete drafts).

  2. With parameters: In this mode, the command - fill or submit - actually fills (i.e. makes incident status COMPLETE_DRAFT) or submits (i.e. changes incident status from COMPLETE_DRAFT to SUBMITTED_REPORT) the specified incident.

The implementation of these two modes is discussed below. As both fill and submit are rather similar in their implementation, a detailed discussion of only the fill command is given below.

No parameter mode (listing incidents)

This mode leverages the ability of the ListIncidentsCommand to list incidents by different predicates. When the IncidentManagerParser parses a fill command without parameters, it returns a new ListIncidentsCommand with predicate Incident::isDraft. This ListIncidentsCommand is then executed as per usual.

For the submit command, the predicate Incident::isCompleteDraft is used instead.

Parameter mode (modifying incidents)
  • For the fill command with parameters, the FillCommandParser will be invoked to parse the fields targetIndex, callerNumber, and description and return a FillCommand containing these non-null fields.

  • The execute() method in FillCommand will then retrieve the specified incident if there are drafts to be filled and if the index is valid.

  • Two helper methods - processReportFilling and fillReport - will complete the filling process. fillReport returns a new Incident which is a copy of the incident report to be filled, but with the specified caller and description details and a COMPLETE_DRAFT status.

  • The old incident report will be removed from the system and be replaced with the new updated incident report.

  • The new incident report is placed at the front of the incident list for easy access.

In this sequence diagram, the helper methods within FillCommand are omitted for clarity.

The SubmitCommand functions similarly, with one crucial difference. As no Incident fields are to be updated, the specified incident is simply retrieved, and its fields are copied into a new Incident object with a SUBMITTED_REPORT status.


Design Considerations

Aspect: How incident Fill and Submit commands execute in no parameter mode
  • Current choice: Use ListIncidents command with appropriate predicate to fulfill fill and submit functionalities in no-parameter mode.

    • Pros:

      1. Intuitive and convenient to use. If user needs easy access to reports that can be filled or submitted, they do not need to remember a new command keyword.

      2. Requires lesser code. Abstraction of the filtered listing subroutine reduces the amount of redundant code.

    • Con: 1. Might be potentially confusing to user as FillCommand is performing a function of listing that is extraneous to the function of filling.

  • Alternative 1: Extend FillCommand to create two child classes FillCommandNoParams and FillCommandWithParams.

    • Pros:

      1. Better use of the OOP principle of inheritance.

      2. Reduce coupling between ListIncidentsCommand and FillCommand.

    • Cons:

      1. Increases amount of code and hence marginally reduces app performance as one additional new class needs to be created.

      2. Misleading use of abstraction as the FillCommandNoParams is technically not performing the function of filling but that of listing.

  • Alternative 2: Separate the 'listing' and the 'filling' aspect by using separate command words.

    • Pro: 1. Most appropriate use of abstraction and single responsibility principle, which are crucial OOP concepts.

    • Con: 1. User needs to either remember an additional command word or type a longer list-i command by specifying the filter predicate, which reduces user convenience.

Aspect: How incident Fill and Submit commands execute in parameter mode
  • Current choice: Both callerNumber and description fields need to be specified when filling specified incident report. The other incident report fields are auto-filled and can only be changed by using the edit command once the incident report has been submitted.

    • Pros:

      1. Improved accountability. Prevents a user from changing the most important fields of the incident report, such as incidentId, incidentDateTime, and vehicle, without first committing the report into the system.

      2. More convenient for the user as they only have to specify 2 report fields instead of 6 or 7.

    • Con: 1. User is unable to fill callerNumber independently of description unless they first submit the incident report and then use the edit command.

  • Alternative 1: Combine fill and submit functions i.e. filling a report completely will automatically submit it.

    • Pros:

      1. Easier to implement as Incident reports have two statuses - DRAFT or SUBMITTED - instead of three.

      2. More convenient as this results in one less step in the user’s workflow and one less command word for the user to remember.

    • Con: 1. Less adaptable and modular. If new fields are added to the incident report, then the user might want to enter / replace those fields by executing repeated fill commands without committing the report into the system with incomplete / likely to change information.

  • Alternative 2: Allow fill command to fill variable number of fields.

    • Pro: 1. Satisfies the cons of the two approaches above as it is versatile enough to allow the user to independently fill different incident report fields as well as adaptable enough to accommodate extra fields.

    • Con: 1 . Harder to implement as we would need more elaborate methods to parse the variable arguments.

Known Issues

A user cannot independently fill the various incident report fields unless they first submit the incident report. This might be an acceptable issue it encourages users to completely fill a new incident report before submitting it, which reduces the likelihood of finding incomplete drafts in the system.

Activity diagram summarising Incident creation, filling, and submission features


In this activity diagram, the catch-all term 'report' is used to encompass the acts of creating, filling, and submitting incident reports.

Incident component

The Incident:

  • Represents an incident report in the incident manager.

  • Contains the attributes CallerNumber, Description, IncidentDateTime and IncidentId`.

  • Also contains a Person object representing the 'Operator' who filed the incident, a District which represents the location of the incident, and a Vehicle representing the vehicle dispatched to investigate this incident.

  • Has three states encapsulated by a Status enum - INCOMPLETE_DRAFT (report not completely filled and not submitted), COMPLETE_DRAFT (report completely filled but not submitted), and SUBMITTED_REPORT (report completely filled and submitted).